What is breast implant scarring?
Breast implant scarring is an inherent aspect of the healing process following a breast augmentation procedure. It occurs as the body’s innate reaction to the surgical incisions required to insert the implants. The skin and underlying tissues, when disrupted, initiate a repair process that leads to the formation of scar tissue. While advancements in surgical techniques strive to minimize scarring by making smaller and more discreet incisions, it’s impossible to avoid some level of scarring altogether.

The degree of scarring can be quite personal and varies from one individual to another. Genetics play a role in how your body heals and forms scars. Your skin type, which may affect how prominently scars can be seen, and the specific surgical technique employed by the surgeon, are also pivotal in determining the final appearance of scar tissue.

Why scarring occurs
Scarring is a natural part of the body’s healing process following any surgical procedure, including breast augmentation. When a surgical incision is made, it causes damage to the skin and underlying tissues. The body responds by producing collagen and other proteins to repair the damage. This process results in the formation of scar tissue, which is different in texture and quality from the surrounding skin. The appearance of this scar tissue is what we commonly refer to as a surgical scar.
Types of scars from breast implants
There are several common types of scars that can result from breast implants. Incisional scars are typically caused by the surgical incisions made during the procedure. These may be visible in areas such as the under-breast fold, around the areola, or within the crease of the armpit. Hypertrophic scars are raised, red scars that can develop within weeks after surgery. They often thicken for several months but may gradually improve over time. Keloid scars are the result of an overproduction of collagen during the healing process, leading to thickened tissue that may grow beyond the original site of the wound. These scar types have distinctive characteristics, and their appearance can differ widely among individuals.
Factors affecting scar development
Several elements play a critical role in the development and aesthetic of scars following breast implant surgery. Among these, individual characteristics such as genetics, skin tone, and overall health stand out. Genetics can predispose an individual to either more conspicuous or less noticeable scarring. Similarly, certain skin tones may camouflage scars effectively, while others might make them more apparent. Furthermore, an individual’s overall state of health can impact the healing process and, subsequently, the final appearance of the scar.

In addition to personal health and physiological factors, the surgical technique, as mentioned above, is instrumental in determining the quality of scarring. For instance, utilizing more refined surgical methods can lead to less noticeable incisions. Post-operative care is another crucial element that can greatly influence scar development. Diligent care post-surgery can decrease the probability of infection or other complications, thereby facilitating an optimal healing environment.

Pre-operative measures
Taking the right pre-operative measures can significantly contribute to better healing and minimized scarring after breast augmentation. This may include maintaining a healthy diet, which ensures your body has the necessary nutrients to heal properly, and abstaining from smoking, which can impair the healing process. Additionally, diligently following your surgeon’s instructions prior to the surgery can set the stage for a smoother recovery.
Post-operative care
Adhering to post-operative care instructions is a critical aspect of minimizing the appearance of scarring following breast augmentation. A key component of this care is maintaining impeccable wound hygiene, which involves keeping the incision site meticulously clean and dry to diminish the risk of infection and enhance the healing process. It is also essential to refrain from engaging in strenuous activities that could exert excessive force on the healing tissues, thereby preventing undue stress on the wound that might lead to more noticeable scarring. Furthermore, a methodical approach to scar management is advisable. This may include the application of certain creams designated for scar reduction or the adoption of massage techniques intended to soften and flatten the scars over time, thus improving their appearance.
Treatments for scar management

Scar massage techniques
For individuals with existing breast implant scars, certain scar massage techniques can significantly improve the appearance of scars. By stimulating the area through gentle massage and applying pressure on the scar, circulation is increased, helping to soften the scar tissue. Regular massage can also help distribute collagen more evenly, preventing buildup and reducing scar thickness.

Topical treatments
Topical treatments can serve as a beneficial approach in managing existing breast implant scars. Incorporating products such as Vitamin E oil, silicone sheeting, or cortisone creams may aid in softening scars and diminishing their visibility. Nevertheless, it is essential to initiate these treatments only after the incision site has completely healed. Furthermore, consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable to confirm the appropriateness and safety of the chosen scar treatment method for your individual needs and circumstances.

Lifestyle changes
Adopting certain lifestyle changes such as maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and protecting the scar from sun exposure can improve the healing process and reduce scar visibility. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients promotes healthy skin regeneration. Proper hydration improves skin elasticity and aids the healing process. Protection from sun exposure is crucial as UV rays can cause hyperpigmentation, making scars appear darker.

Medical procedures for scar reduction
In some cases, medical procedures such as laser treatments or microdermabrasion may be utilized to further improve the appearance of scars. Laser treatments work by breaking down scar tissue, allowing new, healthier tissue to grow in its place. Microdermabrasion, on the other hand, removes the top layers of the skin, triggering the growth of healthier, more elastic skin. These procedures should be performed by qualified healthcare professionals to ensure safety and efficacy.

Myofascial release therapy
Myofascial release (MFR) therapy is a specialized, therapeutic technique that involves applying gentle, sustained pressure and stretch to the myofascial connective tissue. Fascial tissue covers and connects the muscles, organs, skeletal structures, and cells in the body. By releasing fascial restrictions and tension, MFR therapists help patients eliminate pain and restore motion. MFR can be particularly beneficial in managing scars, as it improves circulation to the scarred area, promotes better healing, and helps to soften and reduce scar tissue.

More information on MFR and scar management
MFR plays a significant role in scar management. By applying sustained pressure to the scarred area, MFR therapy can help break down scar tissue, improve flexibility, and reduce discomfort associated with stiff or tight scars. Regular MFR sessions can also help increase blood flow to the scar tissue, promoting better healing and potentially reducing the thickness and visibility of scars.
Finding a certified MFR therapist

Finding a certified MFR therapist can ensure that you receive the highest quality of care and can provide a pathway to relief from discomfort and improved scar management. MFR Health provides a free searching capability to help patients find therapists suited to their specific needs. At MFR Health, certified MFR therapists have been trained in the John F. Barnes’, the leading expert in the field of MFR, methodology of MFR therapy. This means they possess the specialized skills needed to target scar tissue effectively and enhance your overall wellness. Visit the directory to locate a MFR therapist near you.

Balancing expectations with reality
As you embark on your journey towards transformation through breast augmentation, it’s important to balance your expectations with reality. While this procedure can significantly enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence, it’s important to understand that scarring is a natural part of the process. However, with the right care and management strategies, including MFR therapy, you can significantly minimize the appearance of scars and improve the overall aesthetic result. Always remember that each person’s healing journey is unique, and the final outcome may vary based on various factors such as your skin type, age, lifestyle, and the skill of your surgeon.